
Thuraya Aero



With Aero, aircrafts on government operations can rely on a compact, robust and secure airborne communication system that uses Thuraya’s extensive L-band satellite network to deliver unified connectivity in all kinds of weather and across distances. The system allows project leaders, flight crew, and ground and marine personnel to stay in-the-loop and exchange mission-critical information via HD video streams, video conferencing, phone calls, text messages, fleet tracking and more. Aero’s system is easy to install and can sync with a variety of equipment and peripherals that are specific to government-centric aviation missions.

Aero provides multiple applications for civil defense, search and rescue (SAR), firefighting, coast guard and land patrolling operations. A coast guard aircraft monitoring fishing waters is better equipped to prevent trawling or pollution activities via full Internet and vessel database access. SAR aircrafts are similarly poised to provide emergency airlifts and aid those in danger via seamless airborne connectivity with land and sea personnel. Aero can also be used to coordinate with ground and maritime resources to provide a common operational picture; these assets may be on terrestrial communications such as 3G or Wifi or could be using a Thuraya maritime or mobile terminal on satellite.


Border Protection

Thuraya Aero delivers superior airborne connectivity to enable government border protection operatio...

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Maritime Protection

The effective monitoring of territorial waters is absolutely essential to marine security and factor...

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A healthy marine habitat plays a major role in contributing to a balanced ecosystem and in securing ...

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Firefighting & Police

For effective detection and fast action, firefighting across large areas often involves the use of a...

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