Nimbus from Globecomm Maritime offers shipowners, managers, officers and crew a powerful and cost-effective management platform for communications worldwide. Nimbus manages connections to all major IP-based satellite and 3G/4G networks to deliver broadband data and value-added applications wherever vessels trade.
Nimbus is certified for use with all major Thuraya IP satellite products and services including the Thuraya Orion IP and IP+. Nimbus is a complete solution that is modular in design and can be configured to match the customer’s priorities, from essential voice and data communication to advanced services for crew welfare and vessel management. Users are free to choose connection types, terminals, services and bandwidth to meet their cost and performance needs. Nimbus is designed to simplify ship and shore-based communications by enabling users to choose the applications and levels of user control that suit them best.
Find out how it works

As the bandwidth available to maritime users increase, Nimbus provides the means to permit officers and crew access to a greater range of value added and third party applications, while enabling the owner to retain a practical level of control.
Optimized, simplified connectivity
Key functionality includes optimization, compression and caching for improved web browsing, a built-in email server enabling use of any email client, embedded PayPal for pre-pay crew access. Caching can be extended to antivirus and program updates which can be stored locally and Nimbus can be custom-configured to enable the integration of third party and bespoke software programs.
Nimbus features a high capacity disk on which applications are embedded, providing a single, powerful shipboard operating system. Nimbus enables connections via multiple WAN inputs with automatic switching for fail over and the security that critical messages will be delivered.